March 11, 2022

What can you automate in PPC ads and why should you do it?


In the last few years, there has been no more discussed topic in the PPC community than automation. What can you automate in PPC ads and why should you do it? Do you do some tasks repeatedly while working in your accounts? Would you like to know about any issues with your accounts without having to look into them?

I bet the answer to both questions will be yes in 99% of cases. So the question should be: why not automate? Thanks to the right and cleverly chosen automation strategy, we can save a lot of time, prevent or minimize problems in campaigns, or deliver additional performance that we would find difficult to achieve on our own.

What can be automated?

Virtually all the work you do in PPC can be automated . We can automate some activities easily, but some only complicatedly. Let’s take a look at the activities we automate most often:

  • Account and campaign checks . For example, we can use automated rules and scripts to check if our campaigns are running, if a credit has run out, or if one of the ads leads to a 404 page.
  • Reporting . Automatic reporting is a common practice nowadays. Through Google Data Studio, we can create a visually appealing report that the client can view at any time and monitor the results in virtually real time.
  • Creating campaigns . If we know we’re going to create a large number of campaigns and reports, automating their creation is the right choice. Whether we use an XML feed to create DSA campaigns, Google Sheets, or one of the third-party tools, we save a lot of time.
  • Campaign optimization . Are any of your campaigns or reports not getting the results you want? Use automatic bidding rules, or pause your campaigns right away

Google automation

Within Google Ads, we can take advantage of several automatic offers, depending on the goal of the campaign, which will bid for us and often better. If we have enough input data, machine learning can be extremely effective. For example, we can use target ROAS or target CPA.

But Google offers not only automated bidding strategies, but also automated campaigns. We often use Smart Shopping campaigns in particular, by launching which we get Shopping , dynamic remarketing, Gmail and YouTube campaign in one.

Third party tools

Third-party tools, which are becoming increasingly popular, are also important in this article. PPC Bee is the most frequently used tool on the Czech market. Thanks to PPC Bee and similar tools, you can easily perform all the above-mentioned tasks and much more from one place. At Effectix, we use PPC Bee and we definitely recommend it to you.

So you already know the answer to the two main questions at the beginning of the article: why and what to automate. And now it’s up to you to roll up your sleeves and start your own testing, because whether we like it or not, automation is the future of PPC.

Originally podsted by Effectix as “Co všechno můžete automatizovat v PPC reklamách a proč byste to měli dělat?

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